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activitiesLibrary of activities

search activities Access the database of Clic and JClic activities, and perform searches based on diverse criteria.
how to collaborate Have you created Clic or JClic activities and want to share them? The information on how to send them to the library can be found here.
statistics Stats and access counters: the most visited pages, the most downloaded projects...
publications Compilation of CD-ROMs and other publications made with Clic or JClic.
creative commons Information about the Creative Commons licenses and their application to the activities in the library.

The library of activities has been formed by the applications made with Clic 3.0 and JClic that have been sent to the "Clic corner" and to the clicZone since 1995. All of them have been created by educators from diverse countries, who have wanted to supportively share their work.

In this section you can access the database of activities, and get information on how to collaborate in the project.

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Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Educació Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya