New activity packages
In this section we will introduce new additions to the clicZone. For a detailed description of the activity packages, click on the titles.
- School
Project of activities to be used in the English class that deals with a short school-related vocabulary like rubber, board, desk, pencil, pen...
- Our pets
Activities created by Leonor A. Fernández directed to primary school about English vocabulary of the domestic animals
- Daily Routines
Set of activities in English addressed to secondary school about the usage of present simple to express daily routines. The project deals with two aspects, vocabulary and grammar. Mª Teresa Fernández is the author of this project.
- Music languages and TIC
JClic activities created by Ma. Carme Boix to work in a global and interdisciplinary level the subjects of music, language and ICT. The project is directed to the third level of secondary education.
- Sant Jordi's legend
Elena Lloses and Josep Contreras sent us this project of activities about Saint George legend. It's addressed to infantile and primary school. The activity could also be found in English and Catalan.
- Las grandes religiones
Josefina Grau has brought us this project of activities focused on primary school about the most important world religions: Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism.
- Las horas del reloj
Project with more than 50 activities addressed to pupils at primary school to learn how the clock works. The project is divided into 6 parts. It's been sent by Tomás Fernández.
- Actividades de discriminación auditiva
Belén Gómez has sent these three projects of activities addressed to infantile education about comprehension through sounds known by the child.
- Movimiento y fuerzas
Project of activities for secondary school about motion and forces. It deals with concepts like displacement, trajectory, force vectors... This collection of activities has been created by Elda Maria Ubillús
- Estudio global de funciones
Project of activities sent by Daniel López about functions: concept, domain and image, axis... the project is addressed to secondary school pupils.
- Refranes y modismos
Jose Antonio Ávila sent us this project for scholars learning Spanish as second language to learn and understand proverbs and idioms. The project is directed to secondary school
- Deportes alternativos
Rosa Ana Rodrigo is the author of this project of activities addressed to primary and secondary school about sports like ultimate, indiaca, baseball and unihockey.
- Activitats de lectura i escriptura
Set of activities of José Luis Lázaro for language learning from the semantic fields of clothes, classroom elements and food. The project is addressed to children at infantile education, first level of primary school and newcomers classroom.
- Activitats econòmiques: el sector primari
Carles Grabuled is the creator of this project of activities about the primary sector of industry. This project is aimed to pupils at the third level of primary school. There are also activities about the secondary and tertiary sector of industry as well.
- El bosc a la tardor
Marta Nebot is the author of this project of complementary activities about Autumn addressed to boys and girls at infantile education and first cycle of primary school. Across these activities, the pupils learn the tree names, their fruits and how to write down their names.
- Art al carrer
Laura Bartron has created this set of activities for primary school to show the sculptures of Blanes, their authors and the most emblematic characters of the town.
- El carnaval de los animales
Néstor Hernández has sent this project of activities based on the work of Camile Saint-Säens. The project is meant to children at primary school. It's intended to be a complementary activity to the concert Carnival of the animals.
- Inrutas, un conte sobre la participació
Project of activities based on reading of the tale Inrutas to think about the participation and the chance to build a better world. Adriana Castells has sent these activities.
- Concert de Santa Cecília
Montserrat Casas has created this project about the orchestra members and wind instruments: trombone, horn and trumpet. The project is addressed to boys and girls at first cycle of primary school.
- Els peixos
Another project of Montserrat Casas for pre-school. This time the activities deal with fish, what are, how they are inside and outside, cold and warm water fishes...
- Gimnàstica artística
Project of activities about artistic gymnastics for chidren at primary school. The project shows the apparatus used in each modality. This set of activities has been done by Montserrat Casas.
- Pirates! a l'abordatge!
Susana Argemí, Núria Comellas and Alfonso Dominguez are the authors of this project of activities directed to infantile and primary school. It deals with social science, language and maths taking the pirates as starting point.
- Capbussa't en la música i Juga amb l'aigua i la música
Two projects of activities for Music. A tale about the water cycle is the steering theme. Antoni Vilalta and Olga Valls are the creators of this project of activities.
- Reciclem
Package of activities for infantile education to learn the basic recycling concepts, types of garbage container and which garbage container use to discard the rubbish. These activities have been done by Maria José Cervelló.
- Les dents
One more project of Maria José Cervelló for infantile education. This time the activities aim to highlight the importance of dental hygiene for children.
- Estimulació visual
A project of Francisco José Romero focused on visual stimulation of children with low vision disability. The project contains more than 200 activities divided in two sections: Vamos a ver and Letras y palabras.
- El compostatge
Miquel Sedano and Sònia Gómez offer us this project of activities about composting: organic material collection, composting device and the organism which perform the decomposing. The project is addressed to infantile and primary school.
- Mitosi-Meiosi
A project of Lourdes Tablado directed to secondary school about mitosis, meiosis and their phases.
- Els colors a educació infantil
Project of activities for infantile education children about learning the colours. Starting from primary colors till secondary colours.The activities have been sent by Maria Freixa.
- Els dofins
Laura Valls sent us this project of activities for infantile education and first cycle of primary school about water mammals: kinds of, body parts, lifestyle...
- Consells davant emergències
Carolina Solà is the author of this interesting project of activities to learn the most usual safe measures when an emergency occurs. This project is directed to primary school pupils.
- Les plantes del pati
Project addressed to primary school with more than fifty activities about the trees, shrubs and other plants in the CEIP Marià Cubí i Soler, in Malgrat de Mar (Catalonia).
- El Bages
Set of activities addressed to primary school about the Bages, a Catalonia county, its relief and its surroundings. This project has been sent by Joan Martínez.
- Joan Miró
This project of activities has been created to work with the artwork and biography of Joan Miró. The project is addressed to primary school.
- El pingüí de Humboldt
JClic activities also from Neus Diago about the Humboldt penguin in danger of extinction. Across the project we can find activities about its characteristics, its nutrition habits, its habitat...
- Antoni Tàpies
Ana Padilla is the author of this project of activities addressed to infantile education and primary school about the artwork of this famous artist. 46 works are reviewed throughout the activities.
- Animalets petits del nostre entorn
Set of activities for the youngest about animals divided in two parts: one about small animals (butterfly, ant,...) and the other one about forest birds (swallow, hoopoe, nightingale and partridge).Maria Torres and Roger Llurda are the authors of these activities
- Els arbres
Margarita Moret has created this set of activities for primary education about deciduous and evergreen trees. The elm, the olive, the eucalyptus and the white mulberry are studied along the project.
- Els cargols - P3, P4 i P5
Project of activities made by Mònica Gutiérrez with 40 activities for infantile education about snails.
- La llegenda dels gegants de Sant Pol
Package of activities to introduce Mercè de la Murtra and Ben Hassat and the role they had in the catalonian town Sant Pol de Mar. Mar Pijuan is the author of this JClic project.
- Les tres erres
Another project of activities about recycling, for infantile education and first cycle of primary school. Boys and girls should help cubis to know which colour they are, what type of material they should collect, etc...
- El vi de la DOQ Priorat
JClic activities created by J.Vicent Cerdà about the wine from the Catalan of county Priorat, different types of grapes, ways to cultivate these grapes, prunning, vintage...The project is address to pupils in the upper cycle of primary school as well as secondary school.
- Les eines de l'hort
Easy project of activities for infantile education about tools needed at the school's vegetable garden. Genoveva Rosa is the author of these activities.
- El nom
Project of Catalan language activities addressed to secondary school about the study and practice of names. Agustí Puig is the creator of this set of activities.
- 26 coses de la classe
Set of activities addressed to adults studying first level of Catalan language. 26 objects present in the classroom are studied. The project is delivered to us thanks to Immaculada Vilatersana.
- L'espai i els planetes
Agusti Puig presents us this JClic project for the youngest. Up to 8 easy activities to learn the name of the planets and space-related vocabulary.
- El joc dels colors
Imma Palahí, Enric J. López and Maria Borrell send us a new activity divided in ten sections for infantile education (P3) and special education to know, recognise and work with colours.
- El cos
Project of activities aimed to infantile education and primary school about recognizing some body parts. These activities are sent by Olga Roig.
- La xocolata
Maite Álvarez has delivered us this set of activities to infantile education around chocolate. Activities about maths, language,... are presented taking the chocolate as the leading theme.
- Vols aprovar les mates?
Project of activities for secondary education about maths. Algebra, arithmetics, maths curiosities and traps. These activities are provided by Oriol Bargallò.
- Els esports
Sandra Martinez offers us this set of activities about physical education for primary school. More than 40 activities are divided in six different parts.
- Balenes i altres animals marins
Set of activities sent by Lidia Viñals about mammals living inside water and other marine animals. The project is addressed to infantile education and first cycle of primary school.
- Peixos
Another project of activities about seaworld. The activities are meant to learn the most important body parts of fish as well as their most relevant features. This project is addressed to infantile education sent by Montserrat Escribà.
- Xogando con Matilda
This project of activities sent by Maria Tarrío and Joaquina Pérez about Roald Dahl's book Matilda. The project is addressed to pupils at secondary school.
In addition to these new activity packages in "the clicZone", the
following adaptations of existing packages are available: