Downloading and installation of Clic 3.0
All versions of Clic 3.0 work in Windows 3.1 or higher (95, 98, Me,
2000 and XP). JClic
is a more recent version of the programme, made with the Java platform.
Clic 3.0 is not compatible with Windows Vista neither with Windows 7, with these OS you need to install JClic.
The distribution of the programme is free for educational and not commercial
The installer copies the Clic programne into the hard
disk, among with the ClicDB utility (management of
the reports database), ClicPac (compressor/ de-compressor
of packages), the help files and a package of example activities.
There is also a user manual for Clic, in PDF format.
Clic 3.0 is available in seven languages:
Catalan | Spanish
| Basque | Galician
| English | French
| German