Module 1
The Creation of Educational Activities using JClic
Practice session

Installing JClic

The objective of this practice session is to follow the procedure required for the installation of all the components of the JClic programme and the activity examples.

JClic is made with a programming tool called "Java". In order to use Java it is necessary to have installed the Java Virtual Machine, which executes this type of programme.


Installing Java

The first thing we do is to find out whether or not our computer has a Java Virtual Machine and if this has all the necessary components.

It is important to operate with administrator profile, especially if you are working with Linux or Windows 2000 or XP.With computers in the computer science classrooms or in other public places, users often do not have permission to update the system or install new components. in this case , ask the person in charge to help you. In home computers this problem does not usually exist.

Go to the installation page Java Virtual Machine in the ClicZone and follow the instructions.


Installing multimedia elements

JClic can interpret digital sound directly (in wav, mp3 and ogg format) and MIDI files, but to see videos, flash animations and other advanced multimedia resources you need a specific accessory.In Windows there are two possibilities: QuickTime or Java Media Framework.The second option is more advisable. (JMF).

Windows users can install it through the following file: customJMFinstal.exe, which can be found in the clicZone. If you use another operating environment you can find more information on the installation page Java Virtual Machine in the clicZone.


Installing JClic

Open your Internet search engine and go to the web clicZone (

Once in the page select the section dedicated to installing:

...and you will find the place where the buttons can be found for installing and accessing the activity examples.

Installs the main programme which allows you to execute the activities.
JClic author
Installs the tool which allows you to create, modify and try out JClic´s own projects.
Demonstration Activities
This takes you to the page where you can get started with the installation tool for JClic, which in turn allows you to download the projects and enter the library.
JClic reports
Installs the tool that allows you to access a database where the results obtained by the students when they have done the project activities in JClic are stored.This will not be used on this course.

Click on the button JClic. Java WebStart will begin and the installation will start.

First the files will be downloaded and immediately you will be asked to confirm if you wish to install JClic.

Press Start.

Once the procedure has finished you will be asked to choose the language you wish to use. Choose English (eng) and accept.

The following message will show you the file where the installation will take place. Accept with OK.

The programme will be installed on the computer and will open.

You will be asked if you wish to have direct access (shortcut) to the programme by creating an icon on your desktop. Click Yes. If this question does not appear do not worry, you will probably be asked the next time you accede to the programme.

From now on you can execute the programme from your desktop or through the menu Start Programmes | JClic.

Go back to the web clicZone and click on the button JClic author. The procedure will be repeated and JClic author will be installed.

Now you will install the demonstration activities.

Return to the web and click on demostration activities.

Go to the bottom of the page which has opened , look for the English version and click on the button install on computer.

The installation procedure of the demo starts with a project presentation screen which in this case has the example activities.

Continue accepting the different steps of the installation: library, downloading of files and creating icons by clicking on the Next l button: The final screen shows a message which indicates that the projects have been correctly installed and offers the opportunity of executing the activity.

Mark the option Open project now and confirm with Finalize. JClic will open and you can see the demonstration activities. If you do not mark this option the procedure will finish without opening the demo.

You can open the project any time you wish using the button JClic which has been created in the library
