Activitats d'enriquiment intel·lectual
M. Jesús Conangla Write a message to M. Jesús Conangla
CEIP Tagamanent
La Garriga (Vallès Oriental)
Activities about mental enrichment. The main objectives are:
- Work on aptitudes and abilities that construct intelligence.
- Work on a methodology that improves the auto learning capabilities of the student.
Topic Miscellaneous
Level Primary school (6-12)
Date 08/03/99
License Licensed under a
Creative Commons license

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JClic version - Catalan 08/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
1,114 Kb - 140 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Catalan 08/03/99
how does it work?
intel-li.exe (1,101 Kb)
1,265 Kb - 140 activities
JClic version - Spanish 08/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
Translation: Rafael Rodríguez Martín Write a message to Rafael Rodríguez Martín
1,115 Kb - 140 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Spanish 08/03/99
how does it work?
inteli.exe (1,105 Kb)
Translation: Rafael Rodríguez Martín Write a message to Rafael Rodríguez Martín
1,265 Kb - 140 activities
JClic version - Basque 08/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
Translation: Blanca Besga Write a message to Blanca Besga
1,104 Kb - 140 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Basque 08/03/99
how does it work?
eusintel.exe (1,090 Kb)
Translation: Blanca Besga Write a message to Blanca Besga
1,265 Kb - 140 activities
Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Educació Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya