Observación, lógica y razonamiento
Immaculada Vilatersana Lluch Write a message to Immaculada Vilatersana Lluch
CFA Els Tarongers
Mataró (Maresme)
Activity pack that reinforces certain areas such as: observation, logic and reasoning through comparative exercises, associations, puzzles, logical sequences, etc.
Topic Miscellaneous
Levels Primary school (6-12), Secondary school (12-16)
Date 09/03/00
License Licensed under a
Creative Commons license

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JClic version - Spanish 08/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
1,323 Kb - 39 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Spanish 09/03/00
how does it work?
oblog.exe (1,420 Kb) oblog.w02 (257 Kb)
1,733 Kb - 39 activities
JClic version - Galician 08/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
Translation: Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez Write a message to Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez
1,312 Kb - 39 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Galician 09/03/00
how does it work?
razoa.exe (1,420 Kb) razoa.w02 (273 Kb)
Translation: Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez Write a message to Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez
1,733 Kb - 39 activities
JClic version - Basque 08/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
Translation: Begoña Ocio Write a message to Begoña Ocio
1,322 Kb - 39 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Basque 09/03/00
how does it work?
buruera.exe (1,420 Kb) buruera.w02 (228 Kb)
Translation: Begoña Ocio Write a message to Begoña Ocio
1,733 Kb - 39 activities
JClic version - Italian 16/05/07
how does it work?
launch (applet)
Translation: Roberto Marcolin Write a message to Roberto Marcolin
1,298 Kb - 39 activities
Project URL:
Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Educació Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya