Els materials
Teresa Pérez Fracés Write a message to Teresa Pérez Fracés
CP Juan Ramón Jiménez
Sant Vicent del Raspeig (Alacantí)
Activities about knowledge of the environment which include:
  • Natural and artificial materials
  • Origin of materials
  • Their properties
  • Use according to their properties
  • By-products
  • Topic Experimental sciences
    Level Primary school (6-12)
    Date 10/06/99
    License Licensed under a
    Creative Commons license

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    JClic version - Catalan 10/07/02
    how does it work?
    launch (applet)
    266 Kb - 17 activities
    Project URL:
    Clic 3.0 version - Catalan 10/06/99
    how does it work?
    material.exe (467 Kb)
    431 Kb - 17 activities
    JClic version - Galician 10/11/03
    how does it work?
    launch (applet)
    Translation: Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez Write a message to Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez
    431 Kb - 17 activities
    Project URL:
    Clic 3.0 version - Galician 10/11/03
    how does it work?
    matergal.exe (427 Kb)
    Translation: Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez Write a message to Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez
    431 Kb - 17 activities
    JClic version - Basque 10/11/03
    how does it work?
    launch (applet)
    Translation: Blanca Besga Write a message to Blanca Besga
    431 Kb - 17 activities
    Project URL:
    Clic 3.0 version - Basque 10/11/03
    how does it work?
    zerezkoa.exe (475 Kb)
    Translation: Blanca Besga Write a message to Blanca Besga
    431 Kb - 17 activities
    Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Educació Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya