El cavall del rei
Bel Comas Cantallops Write a message to Bel Comas Cantallops , Caty Ramis Florit Write a message to Caty Ramis Florit and Xesca Pol Hernández Write a message to Xesca Pol Hernández
CP Sant Bartomeu
Alaró (Mallorca)
Reading comprehension activities that use the children's story "El cavall del rei" as the main theme.
Topic Languages
Level Primary school (6-12)
Date 09/12/99
License Licensed under a
Creative Commons license

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JClic version - Catalan 16/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
839 Kb - 24 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Catalan 09/12/99
how does it work?
cavall.exe (1,011 Kb)
839 Kb - 24 activities
JClic version - Spanish 16/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
Translation: Rafael Rodríguez Martín Write a message to Rafael Rodríguez Martín
839 Kb - 24 activities
Project URL:
JClic version - Basque 16/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
Translation: Blanca Besga Write a message to Blanca Besga
839 Kb - 24 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Spanish 09/12/99
how does it work?
caballo.exe (723 Kb)
Translation: Rafael Rodríguez Martín Write a message to Rafael Rodríguez Martín
839 Kb - 24 activities
Clic 3.0 version - Basque 09/12/99
how does it work?
zaldia.exe (948 Kb)
Translation: Blanca Besga Write a message to Blanca Besga
839 Kb - 24 activities
Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Educació Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya