El garbell d'Eratòstenes
Javier Rodríguez Fernández Write a message to Javier Rodríguez Fernández
CEIP L'Alzina
Molins de Rei (Baix Llobregat)
Find the prime numbers between 1 and 100 using Eratosthenes method.
Topic Mathematics
Levels Primary school (6-12), Secondary school (12-16)
Date 05/05/97
License Licensed under a
Creative Commons license

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JClic version - Catalan 24/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
120 Kb - 9 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Catalan 05/05/97
how does it work?
eratoste.exe (190 Kb)
120 Kb - 9 activities
JClic version - Spanish 24/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
Translation: Rafael Rodríguez Martín Write a message to Rafael Rodríguez Martín
120 Kb - 9 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Spanish 05/05/97
how does it work?
esperato.exe (204 Kb)
Translation: Rafael Rodríguez Martín Write a message to Rafael Rodríguez Martín
120 Kb - 9 activities
JClic version - Basque 24/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
Translation: Blanca Besga Write a message to Blanca Besga
120 Kb - 9 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Basque 05/05/97
how does it work?
eratoeus.exe (182 Kb)
Translation: Blanca Besga Write a message to Blanca Besga
120 Kb - 9 activities
JClic version - Galician 24/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
Translation: Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez Write a message to Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez
120 Kb - 9 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Galician 05/05/97
how does it work?
eratogal.exe (214 Kb)
Translation: Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez Write a message to Xosé Antón Vicente Rodríguez
120 Kb - 9 activities
JClic version - French 19/01/07
how does it work?
launch (applet)
119 Kb - 9 activities
Project URL:
Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Educació Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya