Actividades de geometría para primaria
Francisco J. Vidal Ara Write a message to Francisco J. Vidal Ara and Ramón Amatriain Iriarte Write a message to Ramón Amatriain Iriarte
C.P. Eulza
Barañain (Navarra)
Activity pack for the second grade of elementary school, divided in three packs:
  • Lines: straight, curved, undulated, spiral, polygonal (open and closed)
  • Figures: Polygonal line and polygon. Square, rectangle, triangle, pentagon, hexagon and circle.
  • Bodies: Prism, cube, cylinder, cone, sphere.
  • Topic Mathematics
    Level Primary school (6-12)
    Date 21/10/99
    License Licensed under a
    Creative Commons license

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    JClic version - Spanish 25/07/02
    how does it work?
    launch (applet)
    406 Kb - 48 activities
    Project URL:
    Clic 3.0 version - Spanish 21/10/99
    how does it work?
    geo2prim.exe (422 Kb)
    406 Kb - 48 activities
    JClic version - Galician 25/07/02
    how does it work?
    launch (applet)
    Translation: Lapis de Cores Write a message to Lapis de Cores
    406 Kb - 48 activities
    Project URL:
    Clic 3.0 version - Galician 21/10/99
    how does it work?
    geo2gal.exe (409 Kb)
    Translation: Lapis de Cores Write a message to Lapis de Cores
    406 Kb - 48 activities
    JClic version - Basque 11/11/03
    how does it work?
    launch (applet)
    Translation: Blanca Besga Write a message to Blanca Besga
    406 Kb - 48 activities
    Project URL:
    Clic 3.0 version - Basque 11/11/03
    how does it work?
    geo2eus.exe (405 Kb)
    Translation: Blanca Besga Write a message to Blanca Besga
    406 Kb - 48 activities
    Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Educació Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya