Carnaval dels animals
Miren Garralda Write a message to Miren Garralda
CEIP Mas Casanovas
Music activities based on Saint-Säens "Carnival of the animals". In each section the student will get information on the characters, the instruments and other musical concepts, as well as exercises on this items.
Topic Music
Level Primary school (6-12)
Date 24/01/00
License Licensed under a
Creative Commons license

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JClic version - Catalan 29/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
carnaval.pdf (83 Kb)
7,312 Kb - 82 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Catalan 24/01/00
how does it work?
carnaval.exe (6,875 Kb)
carnaval.pdf (83 Kb)
7,312 Kb - 82 activities
JClic version - Galician 29/07/02
how does it work?
launch (applet)
Author: Luis Matías López Rivas
7,312 Kb - 82 activities
Project URL:
JClic version - Spanish 28/05/03
how does it work?
launch (applet)
Translation: Alicia González Noguera Write a message to Alicia González Noguera
7,312 Kb - 82 activities
Project URL:
Clic 3.0 version - Galician 24/01/00
how does it work?
carnagal.exe (6,171 Kb)
Author: Luis Matías López Rivas
7,312 Kb - 82 activities
Clic 3.0 version - Spanish 28/05/03
how does it work?
carnaves.exe (6,670 Kb)
Translation: Alicia González Noguera Write a message to Alicia González Noguera
7,312 Kb - 82 activities
Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Educació Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya