Geografía de España - 2
Moncho Marín Calvo Write a message to Moncho Marín Calvo
CP San Lorenzo de Ezcaray
Ezcaray (La Rioja)
Geography of Spain activity pack.
  • Geographical vocabulary
  • Political map of Spain
  • Landscape and climate
  • Coasts
  • Rivers
  • Economy
  • Population
  • Topic Social sciences
    Level Primary school (6-12)
    Date 06/03/00
    License Licensed under a
    Creative Commons license

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    JClic version - Spanish 31/07/02
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    788 Kb - 64 activities
    Project URL:
    Clic 3.0 version - Spanish 06/03/00
    how does it work?
    geespana.exe (811 Kb)
    788 Kb - 64 activities
    Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Educació Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya