Els Borja, mite universal
Joan Andrés Tarenti Write a message to Joan Andrés Tarenti and Josep Campos Martín Write a message to Josep Campos Martín
CP L'Alcocera
Polinyà del Xúquer (Ribera Baixa)
Activities about the Borgias, a XVth century Valencian family. The activity has seven parts :
  • History
  • Origins
  • Characters
  • The Borja, art patrons
  • Valencian, their language
  • The Borja¿s fingerprint in Valencia
  • Now we rest This package of activities contains pictures and texts from the book "Els Borja, família i mite" by Joan Francesc Mira, courtesy of edicions Bromera.

    The packages of activities was made in co-operation with the "Coordinadora d'Escoles en Valencià de la Ribera".

  • Topic Social sciences
    Level Secondary school (12-16)
    Date 20/09/02
    Last revision 27/11/02
    License Licensed under a
    Creative Commons license

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    JClic version - Catalan 23/12/02
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    7,360 Kb - 140 activities
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    Clic 3.0 version - Catalan 20/09/02
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    borja.w05 (1,420 Kb) borja.w06 (333 Kb)
    7,360 Kb - 140 activities
    Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Educació Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya