Temps de temps: La previsió meteorològica
Joan A. Solano Querol Write a message to Joan A. Solano Querol
CEIP Cèsar August
The weather forecast shown everyday on TV introduce us into meteorology. We learn to distinguish between cold or warm front or to understand several types of weather maps: isobaric, radar, temperature... and by the meantime we learn the isobaric lines, the relationship between the winds and the fronts, the meaning of the areas of low or high pressures, the baric gradient ...
At the end, We are able to relate several weather forecast looking at different types of weather maps. Let's say, we become somehow a weathermen/weatherwomen.
In these pages you will find the other parts of the serie: L'atmosfera, Observem i mesurem, A bots i barrals, Llamp de rellamp and Vents i ventots.
Topic Experimental sciences
Level Secondary school (12-16)
Date 30/11/04
License Licensed under a
Creative Commons license

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Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament d'Educació Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya